Friday, March 16, 2012

Year One - Giving Thanks

I thought about writing a long post about everything I have learned in my first year of blogging, the bumps I've come across, and what I plan on achieving in the upcoming year. I know I have so much more to learn, the bumps will only help me become a better and more creative blogger, and my goals are endless at this point. Instead, I just want to use this little sunny corner of the web I call my own to thank all the people that have supported me this year:

My family - For inspiring creativity and passing on a lot of their knowledge of cooking and baking. Also for helping the Lil Ms. Sueshine fund to get my laptop when I first started blogging!

My friends - For being my guinea pigs when I have to test out a new recipe or I need someone to eat my treats before I eat them and go into a sugar coma.

Ms. Ashley Barnett - For creating my awesome logo and being a partner in foodie crime during local food events.

The San Diego Food Bloggers - For inviting me into this wonderful group and sharing their experiences as bloggers. I'm proud to be part of this community and I can only hope to be half as good as many of them.

My puppy, Eponine - For being so ever dutifully by keeping watch over the kitchen as I bake. No crumb will go uneaten :)

My Husband, Scott - For being my biggest supporter and being patient while I raged at failed recipes in the kitchen. He always knows when to give me space by walking away and when to come back so he can steal a cakepop. When I've hit those bumps this past year, he always said it best by quoting the oh so wise Yoda: "Do or do not....there is no try." He pushed me to just keep on turning on my oven and tapping away at my keyboard.  


My Readers - For being so supportive and coming back time and time again just to see what this lil SoCal girl is up to in her lil red kitchen. Endless thanks to you!

Sueshine Note: Read my first post here! The cakepop pictured above is a representation of my original logo when I started blogging which was a little piece of clipart.


  1. Woohoo! Congrats on your first year of blogging!

    1. Special thanks to you for bringing me into the SD Food Bloggers! I've learned a lot from everyone...and enjoyed some great food as well ;)

  2. Awesome!! Roll on year 2:)

    1. Thank you for all your support in London! I can't wait until I visit again!


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