Sunday, August 14, 2011

Peanut Butter Pie

Just like most Friday nights, my husband and I sat side by side on the couch, both working on our laptops. Both of us have been so busy lately between our regular day jobs, me with my baking orders & house sitting and my husband with his martial arts business. I logged onto my Blogger account and ran down the list of blogs that I read. Clearly, something was going on. Almost everyone had a picture of a peanut butter pie on their blog and what better reason than this: Jennie Pirello called everyone into action to make a peanut butter pie which was her husband’s favorite. Read more here.....For Mikey

It broke my heart to read the post. I’ll be honest and have never read her blog before Friday but just reading about her loss put things into perspective for me. For the past few weeks, every time the oven was turned on and the mixer started going, my own husband had been asking me, “When are you going to make me something with peanut butter and chocolate?” Each time I told him I didn’t have time. It’s sad that something like this made me stop and realize what I was doing…or better yet, not doing.

Although a day late, I made my peanut butter pie. This one was in honor of Jennie’s husband….and my own husband.

My no sugar added version of a Peanut Butter Cream Pie. My husband and I shared the first slice.
I just recently became part of the food blogging community in April but I’m proud to say I’m part of it. It’s amazing to me how the community had reached out to support Jennie, even though she is a stranger to a lot of us. So it’s not a recipe that I want you to get out of today’s post. What I hope you get out of it is to take some time out of your busy schedule and tell those special people in your life that you love them. Also be kind to others because you don’t know what that person you are passing on the street might be going through. Sometimes something as simple as a smile can make their day. Despite the pain she must be feeling, something like a few hundred peanut butter pies might have made Jennie’s day.

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