Monday, January 7, 2013

I'm Gunna Let It Shine - Top 5 Highlights of 2012

I'm not going to lie to you. I had a lot going on in 2012 that prevented me from writing as much as I wanted to. Although that was the case, a lot of great things were happening behind the scenes and made me glad I had my little corner of the web. Here are my top 5 Sueshine items for 2012.

5. Top "Geek Out" Moment
Pumpkin Nutella Rolls gets Retweeted

For a fairly new blogger, it was a big deal for me when Pillsbury retweeted a link to my Pumpkin Nutella Rolls post. I think I literally did a happy dance in my living room.

4. Top Local Find

I missed out on "Taste of the College Area" but luckily, I found out about PubCakes through a flyer for this event. I'm usually not a fan of cupcakes but the unique concept intrigued me. What a great way to introduce excellent local beers to people who normally don't enjoy a cold one. Also, it's a great gift for that guy in your life. My stepdad enjoyed every bite of his birthday cupcakes. Thanks to PubCakes for adding my post to their press page on their website.

3. Readers' Favorite Post
Lemon Snow Cake

I love sharing my childhood memories with my readers and it seems like you guys enjoy it too. Who knew so many of you shared memories of George's Wonderful World of Cakes! Several people emailed me throughout the year about this post....sad about the bakery closing, sharing how when they visited San Diego, they would always make a stop for lemon snow cake, and even requesting that I make one for them.

2. Food for Thought
Food Blogger Bake Sale 
Cookies for Cody 
CCSSD - Chef Showdown 

I had the opportunity to be part of or invited to attend some great charity events in 2012. Sure there was great food involved but one of the newest things I was able to do as a food blogger was to give back a little. Although I do not have children of my own, kids have always have a way of sneaking onto my path. In 2012, I was involved in the San Diego Food Blogger Bake Sale which hopefully helped lots of kids fight hunger and Cookies for Cody which helped one brave little boy and his family in a time of need. Although not actively part of the Chef Showdown which helps the CCSSD battle domestic violence, I was invited to this annual event and had a chance to hear inspirational stories of strenght. I was so blessed to be part of these events and it made me realize that if and when the opportunity arises in which I can help a cause, all they need is ask and I'm there.

And #1 is.....
Lil Ms Sueshine Turns One

I hit a major milestone in first blogaversary. I had made it through my first year of blogging and learned a lot in that time period. I don't always follow the rules of food blogging but a fellow blogger of mine once told me to just do what I feel is comfortable and follow my gut. I've taken that advice with me for each story I tell, every picture I snap, and every yummy item I pop into my oven in the little red kitchen.

I'd like to thank YOU, my loyal readers, who have been so patient with me in 2012. Hopefully *knock on wood* I won't break my other leg and be out of commission for 2 1/2 months again or my day job will settle down enough so I can start sharing and making memories more often this year. Cheers to 2013!!

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