Saturday, July 23, 2011

Updated Website!

I'm starting to kinda get the hang of Blogger and decided to start working on the look of the blog. I have no clue how to write code to make my page look all pretty so when I first started this page, I looked around the internet and cut and paste the codes for things I liked. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure how to delete the things I didn't like. When designing a header/logo, it was difficult because I didn't have a photo editing program so I did everything on Word and Paint...sort of depressing. Now I love my page! It's more my style and as someone told should be "Sunshiney."

The first thing I knew I wanted when I revised my page was a new logo. In high school, my very first friend that I made, Ashley Barnett, was the super smart, welcoming, and outgoing one in the group. Talk about well rounded: Ashley was an excellent student in all the smart kid classes, played some sports, was an arist for the school paper, editor on yearbook, and just for fun, she'd write these crazy stories & plays that made everyone laugh. I always thought Ashley would go into an occupation having to do with science and math or be a high powered professional in a sky-rise building so it surprised me when I found out that she had made a complete 180 and decided go to school to be an artist! Ashley is now a 3D artist for Sony Online Entertainment and has worked on several of their games. It got me cool is it that I know someone who works on video games. Then I cool would it be if I knew someone who works on video games AND could make my logo! Ashley does freelance work on the side so I contacted her to see if she was willing to do it and I got a very excited yes. Now, just like baking, I strongly believe it's difficult to draw/design on command so I wanted to give her free reign. I listed 3 basic items that I wanted in my logo:

1) Cartoon version of me (I love avatars cause I hate pictures of myself..hehe) holding a baked item
2) Has to say Lil Ms Sueshine
3) Must have a sun somewhere within the design

And.......GO! A short time later, my logo was ready. You don't even know how excited and overjoyed I was to see the final product! She hit what I wanted right on and every time I look at it, I smile. Ashley's style is really fun and cute and it's everything I ever wanted. If you are interested in commissioning a design, look no further. Please contact me at and I can forward your inquiries to Ms. Ashley! :)

Other updates on the page:

*Obviously the whole look of the page. It's playful, a little retro, and "Sunshiney." The blog posts are easier to read. The sidebar on only one side makes the page cleaner and easier to find links.

*Link/Feed to the Facebook Page. I hated how the pictures of my projects appeared on my linked page so if you would like to see pictures of projects, please visit the page. Don't forget to "Like" the page because I occassionally will add things on there that I do not add on the blog.

I know there are more things to come. Any feedback or comments on the new page or what you would like to see in the future are always welcomed!


  1. Congratulations an awesome looking site!!

    You have followers in London:-)

    Sabrina & Haroon

  2. Reading through this whole thing brought a tear to my eye, you sweet girl you! I'm so happy that I could help you out with making your blog the bestest little blog ever hehehe :)

    <3 Ashley


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